Smart Doc

More than continuous compaction measuring and documentation: With its Smart Doc assistant, HAMM offers a modern tool for continuous compaction measurement and documentation in asphalt construction and earthworks. The free app for Android devices facilitates self-monitoring and documentation of the compaction process. Consequently, it fulfils the requirements of continuous dynamic compaction control, among other things. Smart Doc helps to deliver high-quality compaction from fewer double passes. Plus, by virtue of the learning effect, the app has proven to be a valuable instrument for inexperienced drivers too.

Ease of operation

During compaction, the app records the most important compaction parameters and combines these with the position data that is determined by the smartphone or by the Smart Receiver (GNSS receiver). Smart Doc also documents the number of double passes, the current driving speed, the HMV compaction value, the proportion of jump operation, frequency, amplitude and the asphalt temperature and presents the compaction status in a graphic form.

In earthworks, the change to the compaction values since the compaction started can also be shown in a visual representation. Target values for the rigidity to be achieved or the passes to be completed, can also be specified. What’s more, the operators can create and manage layers themselves. After completing the compaction, a compaction report can quickly be generated based on the GNSS position data and sent as necessary.

Networking on the construction site

If multiple rollers are working together on a construction site, Smart Doc summarises all of the data. This means the compaction achieved by the entire roller group is displayed in every roller. Plus, the construction management team can also follow the result in real time from their office.

Smart Doc is available for the machines in the HC CompactLine series, HC series, HP series, HD+ series and HX series and can also be requested for other series.

The benefits of Smart Doc at a glance
  • Cost-effective option for self-monitoring and documenting the compaction process in asphalt construction and earthworks
  • Straightforward connection via Bluetooth® Low Energy
  • Clear and precise presentation using GNSS position data
  • Meets the requirements for continuous dynamic compaction control
  • Extremely helpful assistance system for inexperienced drivers
  • High-quality compaction with fewer double passes
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Tandem rollers